1 server
By Guest
24/7 online, active and helpful administration
Team is full of enthusiasm and we are ready to share it!
Server with Exclusive Premium Season 3 Episode 1 Server files.
Interesting Gameplay with fully working Events with balanced drops.
Innovative project with desire to strive for the best and introduce more new features.
Server Links
* WebPage: https://www.eternitymu.net
* Discord: https://ds.eternitymu.net
Server Information:
Season 3 Episode 1
Experience: x500
Drop: 65%
Server Location: France
Points per level: 5/6
Max Stats: 32767
Reset Cost: 1.000.000 zen
Max Level: 400
Reset Level: 400 (V.I.P SYSTEM: 380)
Extra Warehouses: 2 (V.I.P SYSTEM: 5)
Reset on Spot: Yes
Create Guild Level : 250
Elf Buffer Max Level: 300
Grand Reset: 65 Resets = 2000 Coins
Ancient + F.O Excellent ( Classic )(Custom)
Exclusive EMU Stone BosS
Success Rates
Jewel of Bless Rate: 75% (V.I.P SYSTEM: 85%)
Jewel of Soul Rate: 65% (V.I.P SYSTEM: 75%)
Jewel of Life Rate: 65% (V.I.P SYSTEM: 75%)
Jewel of Harmony Rate: 65% (V.I.P SYSTEM: 55%)
Chaos Machine
Item (x) + 10: 80% (V.I.P SYSTEM: 85%)
Item (x) + 11: 80% (V.I.P SYSTEM: 85%)
Item (x) + 12: 70% (V.I.P SYSTEM: 80%)
Item (x) + 13 :70% (V.I.P SYSTEM: 80%)
Name Change
Class Change
Reconnect System
HP Bar (Monsters)
3D Camera (F10)
MUHelper On!
Grand Reset Reward
Vote Reward
Exchange Online Time Reward
Donations to endorse our server while equipping your self suitably for the best PVP Experience!
/Post -> Chat with the Community.
/Addstr -> Add STR Points.
/Addagi -> Add AGI Points.
/Addene -> Add ENE Points.
/Addcom -> Add COM Points.
/Addvit -> Add VIT Points.
/Marry [Char Name] -> Marry your beloved.
/PKClear -> Clear PK Status.
/Reset -> Reset Character
/Reset Auto - Turn on / off Auto Reset system.
/Request On/Off/Auto -> Allow / Deny / Auto Accept any type of requests.
/Money 999999999 - Get max Zen.
/Ware 0-4 - Switch your current Vault
/Clearinv - > Clear your Inventory.
/Attack -> Autto Attack [Example: (/Attack 9 1 2)]
/evo -> Quest Level 3 Request [NO Vip 10Reset/400Level][VIP 5Reset/400LEVEL]
/Pick -> Auto Pick Jewels/Items [Example: (/Pick Zen,Chaos,Bless,Soul,Life,Exc] -> Must be activated separately.
3 votes 108 hits
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