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About This File

!Importrant! Version 1.2.0 now only supports php 7.3 and higher, before upgrade run dmnmucms-checker.php on your web hosting !Importrant!


DmN MuCMS MuOnline Website

This submission contains Full DmN MuCMS package of latest stable version.

Summary of reported and fixed issues is provided within below change-log

If you want to be notified of further updates on this submission make sure to follow it by clicking follow button at the top-right.

If getting item file load error do this


  • ItemList.xml for IGCN
  • Item.xml MuDevs
  • item.txt Other

from your server in application\data\ServerData\en or other language folder

Go into AdminCP -> Website Settings -> Scheduler Settings select tab Scheduled Tasks and run task ParseServerFiles

If after parsing .xml you got still this error means there is some unrecognizable character in xml file usually it is & try to search for it and replace with and  or contact support for help

if unable to parse .txt mostly it will be encoding issue try checking your file encoding and convert it to utf-8

Check if your hosting is compatible with this file




What's New in Version 1.0.5   See changelog


  • [FIX]Fixed not showing proper guild logo in guild info page
  • [FIX]Small issue with resetting skill tree for IGCN server files
  • [UPDATE]Added option to disable any of rankings
  • [UPDATE]Added Master level rankings
  • [UPDATE]Added option to show or hide master level in top level rankings
  • [UPDATE]Removed xmlrpc requirement for easier setup on any php version starting from 5.3
  • [FIX]Showing wrong event times
  • [FIX]Not adding credits on any donation method when using memb_guid as account identifier
  • [FIX]Fixed some collation issues in online players list
  • [UPDATE]Added vip module for ZTeam server files
  • [UPDATE]Added missed function for ban player on donation refund before it was doing nothing
  • [FIX]Unable to buy empty seed spheres in webshop
  • [FIX]Fixed issue when user making refund not decreasing credits but adding in very rare scenarios with paymentwall donation method
  • [UPDATE]Possible to set different item price in shop for each server
  • [FIX]Market item filter not filtering properly items when mssql driver is used
  • [FIX]Statistics module reading wrong castle siege time from MuCastleData.dat
  • [UPDATE]In admincp now can see when license will expire and direct renewal link
  • [UPDATE]Possible to release license from admincp if you decide to move your website to another hosting, ip.
  • [FIX]Online list loading online time from all servers
  • [UPDATE]New ranking for top online time
  • [FIX]License validation consumes a lot of memory in some php versions
  • [UPDATE]Possible to set how many sockets can see in shop from 0 to 5
  • [UPDATE]Possible to load website news from Rss Feeds
  • [FIX]Shop not possible to buy socket item when socket limit is set lower than 5
  • [FIX]Not counting properly online hours in online rankings
  • Like 5
  • Upvote 2

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THE BEST CMS for MUOnline and amazing support :D 

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